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“Ireland as the earthly culmination of translatio imperii in Suidiugud Tellaig Temra” (Daniel Watson)
Classical Antiquity and its Heritage Research Seminars, spring 2022
Vernacular Classicisms: Denmark and Ireland
Speakers: Isabelle Torrance:…
Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies, School of Celtic Studies
28-30 April 2022
Contact: Dr. Daniel Watson daniel.watson@cc.au.dk
Venue: University College Dublin
Speaker: Isabelle Torrance
Conference presentation by Ronan Crowley at ‘James Joyce’s Ulysses: A Hundred Years On’: A Conference of the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish…
[Time is local: 18:00 GMT]
Sign up and information: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/classics/classical-play/2022-euripides-electr…
Speaker: Daniel Watson
Venue: Marburg Celtic Seminar
Harvard Celtic Colloquium
Speaker: Gregory Darwin
Link to conference: Popular Receptions of Classical Antiquity
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